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Secondary Campus Student Code of Conduct

Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines

All students shall be treated with dignity, respect and fairness by other students and staff. They shall be provided with a learning environment that is free from physical, emotional, and social abuse. Staff will be disciplined and strive to apply the five human values in their daily life.

Students at Sathya Sai College are encouraged to be disciplined and display the five human values through the following actions:


  • Do not distract others. Give every other student the opportunity to learn. 
  • Respect your property and that of others, including the school.
  • Value the interests, abilities and cultures of all others in the school community.
  • Develop an attitude of selfless service to the community.


  • Be at the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment.
  • Be polite and respectful.
  • Follow the school’s dress code.


  • Your priority at school is to learn. 
  • Take responsibility for your own choices.

Right Conduct

  • Attend school.
  • Follow all instructions.
  • No mobile phones to be used at school.
  • Follow the uniform policy.


  • Do not be a bully. Never intentionally harm another student.
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  • Speak up if you see someone being harmed (Upstander).
  • Bring only vegetarian food to school/school events.

In the event that a student’s conduct does not follow the above, the school and parents will work together to help the student grow and learn from the experience.

Breaches of the Student Code of Conduct will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Discipline Policy.

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