The Human Values program is established in the ideal “Education is for Transformation.” The program is designed that the child and everyone in the school, who influences the child, is exposed to this ideal. It reaches out to the community too and creates a mutual beneficial ecosystem. It provides “integral Education” since it aids in the development of all three Domains namely: Cognitive, Affective and Kinaesthetic. It supports growth at three levels-Intellectual, Emotional and Pschomotor. The program is designed for complete personality development by providing education for the Head, Heart and Hands.
The Sathya Sai School has four objectives to make schooling experience Insightful, Inspiring, Enjoyable and Participative across the four domains of influences which are Classroom, Corridor, Campus and Community
The college focuses in bringing out character in children through the integration of human values into the school curriculum. We believe that education should not only promote academic excellence; education needs to incorporate values that promote healthy relationships; a vital component in the life of a child.
We believe that the end product of education is character, the most valuable asset a person can have. In an atmosphere of love and mutual respect, each child is encouraged to excel and aspire to achieve his or her full potential.
“Human values are innate qualities” - Sathya Sai Baba
Human values make life worthwhile, noble, and excellent. Those qualities lie within the human personality, waiting to be drawn out and translated into action. Sathya Sai Education is based on five human values: Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, and Nonviolence. Drawing out these five inherent human values develops good character. Sathya Sai College regards the development of good character as the ultimate aim or end of education.
Sathya Sai Education utilises pedagogy of integral education that elicits human values through all aspects of education, including: the process of learning and the process of teaching, while integrating them into the curriculum, and the educational environment. Most importantly, it does this through Love, which underpins all the other values.
“Education is not for mere living; it is for life, a fuller life,
a more meaningful, and a more worthwhile life.
There is no harm if it is also for a gainful employment;
but the educated man must be aware that existence is not all,
that gainful employment is not all.
Again education is not for developing the faculty of argument, criticism,
or winning a polemic victory over your opponents
or exhibiting your mastery over language or logic.
That study is best, which teaches you to conquer this cycle
of birth and death and that will not be disturbed by the blessings or blows of fate.
That study begins where this study of yours ends.”
Combining spiritual and secular education in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities through the integration of human values in the school curriculum.
To have a balanced and well-rounded human being, both CHARACTER and ACADEMICS are essential.
The bird is a perfect example.
Hence our VISION and MISSION: Human Excellence through Character Development and Academics
The Sathya Sai College is highly committed in all its endeavours to ensure that both the VISION and MISSION are adhered to. It is our fervent hope and belief that we are laying the foundation of future generations and building a strong future global civilization.
Education should prepare students to be fit for life, not just for earning a living
EHV never seeks to impose rules of conduct on children and the young, but rather, to provide a secure base, through the teaching of human values, from which they may arrive at their own informed decisions.
The first rule for parents and teachers is to be good role models.
Human values education is for people of all religions or no religion. Any reference to spiritual development within EHV is that concerning the “human spirit” i.e. human values, which are non-denominational and non-religious
“The purpose of education is to produce this happy blend of the physical and spiritual knowledge and help human excellence to blossom. Thus, the aim of education is total development of man. Make proper use of the knowledge they have acquired so that it benefits society.”
~ Sathya Sai Baba
The integration of values in the different subject areas allows the teacher’s creativity to take fruition in making use of situations to facilitate the student’s values development, as well as on his perceptive skills to identify points in a lesson that would serve as entry points for specific values.
Our teachers endeavour to :
At the Sathya Sai Schools we incorporate the 6E’s to further enhance the effectiveness and sharpness of the delivery of the 5 Values:
Mind Mapping
Are posed to promote higher order thinking skills(HOTS)- involves critical, logical, reflective and creative thinking
It is important to guide the student’s thought process to make learning meaningful
It should initiate inquiry and encourage student participation in discussions
Spirit of Enquiry – Main Script (EXPLAIN)
Presents a complete concept relevant to the subject
Designed to cater to a particular standard and details are graded to suit the age of the learner.
Core concept is enriched with relevant, authentic information from various sources and enhanced with multimedia
Visual depiction facilitates easy delivery of content, brings in conceptual clarity and deepens understanding
Role play/ group activity/song
Created to experience ” joy of learning by doing”
Content-relevant learning experiences designed to meet specific objectives- performed- demonstrated within/outside classroom
Hands experience builds self-confidence, enables teamwork and deepens understanding of concept being studied
Suggested activities: debates; Role Plays; Group discussions; Quiz; Map Inference; Project; Model Making; Case Study; Experiments
Follow up activity/ Application in life
Consists of interesting tidbits related to the concept
Designed to brighten the classroom, kindle interest and widen knowledge
Enrich ideas with sights and sounds, materials and pictures – to create a lasting impression the minds of students
Post discussion
Questions to assess- learning situations based on concept being taught
Helps teacher gauge the level of cognitive learning that the learner has attained
Facilitates continuous wholesome learning
Identifies areas for improvement – to set higher standards
Take home message / thought provoking example
Connects the subject to the world around us with present day examples
Students must be able to relate to the topic and get a grasp of it
Concepts become interesting and frequent examples from their daily life maintains the momentum in class
Concepts learnt will be retained for a longer period
Love as thought is Truth
A key component of Sathya Sai Education is the assertion that there is one ultimate and universal Truth, which may be expressed in a multitude of ways. It may be ascertained through many paths, names, and forms, but Truth is always only One. The different religions and spiritual orientations offer a rich variety of approaches, affording seekers the ability to choose on the basis of their inclination. For example, Truth can be approached through the path of wisdom (rational thought and knowledge). It can be approached through the path of intense devotion towards a symbol of divinity and it can be approached through selfless service.
Truth also finds expression in nature, art, music, poetry, ancient scriptures of all faiths, and through scientific discipline. Increasingly, various scientific disciplines are showing the compatibility of science and spirituality. Science has revealed that matter is nothing but energy and energy is matter. Sub-atomic particle physics and many of the common assumptions of spirituality point to the existence of a force that is constantly dissolving, preserving, and creating. Ultimately, however, Truth is found within. The pursuit of Truth requires discrimination, intuition, and introspection. The highest Truth is that it is changeless in the past, present and future.
Love as action is Righteous Conduct
The Right Conduct of which we speak is rooted in the Sanskrit word, Dharma. Though Dharma has no literal translation in English, it may be said to encompass the sum total of codes of ethics, ethical behaviour, and moral rectitude. The injunction, “do good, see good, and be good,” captures the essence and intent of this value. It is rooted in attitudes and habits inculcated from early childhood that mature into respect and adherence to the duties and responsibilities that come with one’s life circumstances.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s ‘Ceiling on Desires’ programme, which is an important aspect of Sathya Sai Education, can easily be applied to the expression of Right Conduct. Placing a ceiling on one’s desires involves the making of a conscious and sustained effort not to waste food, water, time, energy or money. Adopting such a code of conduct can go a long way towards reducing the tragic imbalance that exists between the ‘haves and have-nots’ of the world.
Love is selflessness,
Selfishness is Lovelessness.
Love gives and forgives,
Selfishness gets and forgets
The human value of Love may be best expressed as an energy permeating all life. That is, it is not an emotion or passionate feeling of desire and attachment. It refers to something much deeper, and more basic to human nature.
It is totally unselfish and independent of whether there is reciprocity. All the great religions extol the importance of Love. It is kindness, caring, empathy, and compassion. Love is not passive, but active, and it grows, as Sathya Sai Baba would say, “by giving and forgiving”
Love as understanding is Non-Violence
The zenith of all human values is Nonviolence. Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, and Love merge in Nonviolence. Nonviolence is a state of mind that recognises the unity within the apparent diversity. It manifests as non-violation of the laws of nature and respect for law and order. It calls for restraint from the doing of harm to others and to nature in general.
Nonviolence is rooted in forbearance, morality, and integrity. When the ethics of Nonviolence is embraced as the means to world peace — there will be global harmony.
Love as feeling is Peace
Everyone desires and seeks Peace. Lasting Peace cannot be found in the material world. Peace requires the capacity for introspection and self-awareness. Self-awareness enables one to become mindful of his or her thoughts, words and deeds. When self-awareness becomes a habit, the individual begins to monitor and modify the habitual patterns of thought that obstruct the Peace within.
True Peace requires inculcating equanimity, regardless of loss or gain, success or failure, pain or pleasure. Quieting the mind and opening the heart are essential for acquiring Peace. A quiet mind requires the application of discipline to take the time to look inward and experience the silence within.
“The influence of parents on children’s minds is very significant. It is actually the primary and predominant influence on children’s personality and behaviour pattern. If a teacher is dedicated and pure, thousands of children will be improved and the nation will gain from educated men and women of character. If parents and teachers set the right example, the students will automatically blossom into models of excellence.”
– Sathya Sai Baba
Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of the SSEHV philosophy is that it expects a tripartite relationship between pupils, parents and teachers. As well as emphasising the need for pupils to learn to value themselves, their parents, their teachers and their peers, this program also encourages parents and teachers to act as positive role models for their children and pupils respectively.