The P&F Association is composed of parents and community members who actively support the college. The P&F is structured into several teams, each under a team leader. Each team concentrates on particular activities ranging from college improvement in the building and grounds, maintenance through regular working bees, to assisting with classroom support and activities.
The P&F meets 1st Monday of every month at 9am excluding school holidays. If you would like to participate, please contact the school office for further information. The P&F information will be provided early in first term.
P&F Committee 2022
President: Melinda Scanlon
Vice President: Jaime Stefenac
Treasurer: Emmeline Ives
Secretary: Kylie Henschke
Tuck Shop Co-ordinator: Emmelina Boudry
Committee Member: Louise Cork
The main role of the Parents and Friends Association is service and support.